Friday, May 22, 2009


I'd like to issue a solemn commentary on Barack Obama and his shinanegans, as far as the right to life is concerned.
First of all, I'm glad that I didn't vote for that idiot! I voted solely on the basis that he is THE most radical pro-choice President ever! Even Bill Clinton-who I voted for-listened to the pro-lifers when they rose their voices against "partial birth abortion." It seems that the voters-including many Catholics-were brainwashed into voting for "the lesser of two evils..." Most of us have issues that we differ on, and some of have complete hostility towards them.
But there are five issues that I won't budge on: abortion, same-sex marriage, stem cell research, euthanasia, and cloning-notwithstanding the fact that I've got them out of order. I may be ambivalent to "civil unions," but the idea of "Equal marriage" goes against God's declaration of marriage between a man and a woman(alone).
As long as we are bound by the "two-party" system of Democrats and Republicans, we'll all be in the curse of the status quo. Because Obama is so pro-death, I believe he is the Joseph Mengele of our day. He wants to destroy the human dignity of life in our country. Just like Mengele did against the Jewish people in the 1930s, Barack Obama is trying to destroy the value of the unborn.
Look, although the Democrats have done more to help the working families of our land, since abortion was legalized in 1973, they have turned their back on the dignity of human life. That's why I don't vote for any Democrat who will not defend the right to life. If they're not pro-life, they won't get my vote!
When I try to stick up for my beliefs, people will always retort, "But don't you believe in the woman's right to choose?" And I'm forced to agree to disagree-but not anymore! This blog is my way of saying "I believe in the unborn child's right to live."
You know, when President Obama went out to Notre Dame this week to accept an honorary degree and speak to the graduates there, thousands of people protested his presence. And I stand with these people. Why should a Catholic college with such prestiege sell out its Catholic heritage to honor the Commander in Chief? Why should someone give up his conscience for the sake of political expediency?
Despite my protests, and those of 350,000+ others, as well as the condemnation of 80+ bishops, Fr. William Jenkins, the President of Notre Dame, went ahead with his scandalous agenda, anyway. No wonder many of the students wouldn't attend the graduation that day, prefering instead to be part of a Vigil for Life. I commend Fr. Frank Pavone and other pro-lifers for standing up to the scandal. And I signed a couple of petitions telling them not to go ahead with it.
But what did they care? They only care about pleasing the world system instead of taking a stand on what's important. I assure you that they will judged when all's said and one!