Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The pro-choice movement says that they are trying to address their views, but they are very intolerant to those who believe in the Gospel of Life.  Please take a look at this video and see if you agree!

Also, to all you Democrats and Republicans who are pro-life...how many of you are for the death penalty?  My sister and her husband asked me if I knew if any pro-life politicians are also favoring capital punishment.  I didn't know how many there were, but she asked me if I was for the death penalty.  I said no.  Because you can't be pro-life and favor capital punishment.  Not to mention euthanasia, same-sex marriage, cloning and embryonic stem cell research.

And one more thing before I let you all go...Massachusetts is trying to pass a "death with dignity" law, making us the 3rd. state in the country to favor physician assisted suicide.  We must stand up to this issue by voting no. To find out why, and how you can help, please visit http://www.suicideisalwaysatragedy.org today.

Thanks and God bless.