Thursday, December 24, 2009


This is a message to all those who voted for the health care bill and rejected all the pro-life amendments-"Bah! Humbug!" Yes, I mean it! You people in the Senate are a bunch of Scrooges! Especially Mr. Reid, Mr. Casey & all the rest of the pro-life people who compromised their beliefs for the sake of political expediency! And of course, trying to push a pro-death health care bill that will force us to pay for abortions against our will!
Well, this isn't over! Even though you've rammed this bill down our throats, your bill hasn't become law! The bill has to go back to the committees for reconciling with the House bill, and then you'll have to vote on it again. So I warn you people as follows-if you pass this health care bill without any pro-life language, you will be held accountable. Especially all you so-called "pro-life" Senators who sold out your beliefs will face the wrath of the voters.
And to all those who continue to fight for the right to life, Merry Christmas! You're not a part of the Scrooges in the Congress. Let them know how you feel when you vote in 2010! Let's fight for a Human Life Amendment!

Friday, November 20, 2009


THE House passed the Health Care package, but they included the Pitts-Stupak amendment that forbids abortion from being covered. Of course, they're gonna talk tough with this thing saying "Millions of poor women will not be able to get abortions..." Look at it this way...I'm for health care reform, but not if my taxes are being used to pay for abortions. Abortion is NOT health care; it's destruction of human life.
You know when we hear these 2 arguments about abortion being a constitutional right versus the destruction of human life, what makes them moot is that abortion is only available in 15% of this country. However, if the health care package that Nancy Pelosi rammed through the House becomes law, we could be opening a Pandora's box of death and destruction. Not only would it imperil the lives of the unborn, it would also cause massive destruction of the economy.
It's time to stand up for human life. I've called my Senators and emailed them to reject any abortion language in the health care bills, and I'm urging you to do the same. Did you also know that abortion has caused a spike in breast cancer cases? If you go the Abortion-Breast Cancer site, you'll find all the information:
Please call your Senators and tell them to reject any health care legislation that includes abortion.
Remember, Pro-Choice equals Pro-Death!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


As you know, since my last time I blogged on this particular blog, Senator Ted Kennedy died of a brain tumor. His funeral at the Basillica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Jamaica Plain(that's the Mission Church to you and me) was one of the touching ceremonies of all time.
Yeah, right.
Although Senator Kennedy helped millions of working families in his lifetime, he was also a staunch supporter of "the right to abortion." When he took the "pro-death" route in the 1960s and 1970s, he cancelled out everything right that he did. I'll admit that he was a champion of worker's rights, helped underprivelieged families, and helped special needs students like myself get access to special education and opportunities for advancement. However, he was very poor in his support of the legal right to abortion. In fact, he wrote the health care bill that contains "unrestricted abortion" guarantees in it.
He was a very good man, but he was morally corrupt in his stand on the right to life. As I listened to the funeral on the radio on Saturday August 29th., I had mixed emotions. I'll admit that I didn't speak up more to him on his pro-choice stance. And that's a tough thing to swallow. Also, when his kids "hijacked" the general intercessions about a time when there would be no discrimination for "black and white, gay and straight," my hair stood up.
In the 1960s, Fr. Robert Drinan told the Kennedys that it was all right for them to support abortion in their political careers. Since abortion was legalized in 1973, 50 million Americans(and countless millions more around the world) have been sacrificed to the abortion gods. I feel that a Catholic priest who was supposed to defend the church's teaching made a deal with the devil(and took the Kennedy clan with him).
I don't understand why Cardinal Sean won't speak up against the sin of abortion or why he didn't force Teddy to come to his senses. When I heard him give the commendation, I felt that he was a hypocrite attending that service. Since I stopped voting for "pro-death" Democrats(more or less; I still face a quandry in the mid-term ones), I've been sending a clear message: I don't want my represenatives or Senators to compromise their personal beliefs for the sake of political expediency.
I also feel that abortion is another form of depopulation of the world. Think about achievements in science, technology, the arts and other fields that have never come to pass or will never come to be. And it's all because a bunch of old men in the Supreme Court legalized going against the sixth commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Kill." And that commandment applies to those in the womb as well as those on the streets and in the hospitals.
While I rejoice in Senator Kennedy's many efforts to help this country, they are made null and void by his support of abortion. I don't believe that history will look kindly upon him. Yes, he made a lot of mistakes, but we all do...
At his burial service at Arlington National Cemetery, Cardinal MacCormick of Washington, D.C. read a letter from him to Pope Benedict asking for his prayers. He didn't bother to repent of his pro-death beliefs. I hope he did in his dying confession, because if he didn't, he's toast.
I have come to believe that abortion is another form of Molech worship(dating back to the times when pagans would sacrifice their children to that demon god). It's time to stop this murderous worship now. I propose that we have a new amendment-one that will protect the unborn. If you have any opinion, please post it in the comments board provided below.
Thank you and God bless.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I can't keep this silent any longer! President Obama is trying to ram through Congress a new health care bill that would mandate coverage for abortions! That's right, this new idea of ObamaCare is an assault on human life. This new "health care" reform package is going to force health care providers to perform abortions, and destroy pro-life laws that protect the unborn from this destructive procedure.
Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance would be used to help fund the destruction of human life. Medical doctors would be forced to violate their consciences and perform abortions. And health care would be rationed, especially for those who are seniors and persons with disabilities! I don't want any of these things as part of health care reform. This isn't reform; this is destruction; destruction of human life and the destruction of our national rights and liberties.
We must stop this abortion mandate and stand up for the protection of human life. Because it will do more than force you to pay for abortion. It will force women facing pregancy crises to choose to destroy their unborn children. Pro-life pregnancy crisis centers will be forced to provide referrals for abortion. Many doctors will have to violate their own conscience and perform pregnancy terminations against their own will.
And most importantly, many handicapped children and seniors will find their access to health care limited or eliminated. This is something that I will not allow to happen. As an autistic child myself, my parents have had to fight for rights to education and health care. These children continue to fight for their rights. And with the passage of this FOCA legislation, their lives would be cheapened and eradicated.
I've been listening tonight to a webcast bringing attention to this horrible legislative act, and I'm as mad as Hell! And I'm not going to take it anymore! And I don't want you to do so, either. Please visit today and find out how you can stop this ridiculous legislation. Also, contact your Congresspeople and Senators in Washington, D.C. today and tell them to oppose any abortion funding in any health care reform package. We must stop this imposition of the "Culture Of Death" on this country of ours. Let's stand up for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for all citizens-young and old, and especially for the unborn.
One more thing-when I was growing up as an autistic child, my parents relied on the Democrats for their advocacy of special needs children. However, they have betrayed children like myself in supporting Planned Parenthood and their sister organizations in the destruction of the unborn. How can God bless America if our unborn children end up being terminated?
Please join me in opposing this "health care" legislation that Obama is trying to ram through the Congress. Visit today and help keep hope for the unborn alive.
God bless and thank you for listening. And remember, Pro-Choice Equals Pro-Death! Only God can give life and only God can take it away.
"When God Gives Life, It Is Forever!" Pope John Paul II October 7th., 1979.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So, President Obama's picked Sonia Sotomayor as possibly the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice. Woo-hoo no! If Ms. Sotomayor is picked, the right to life will go down the tubes! Barack's picked a radical pro-death canddiate. This is the kind of nominee we don't need.
President Obama is the most radical pro-choice President in history. His plan to Introduce FOCA, the Freedom of Choice Act, is the ultimate slap in the face for all that the pro-life movement has worked for...a ban on partial birth abortions, freedom of doctors not to participate in abortion would all go down the tube! Sonia Sotomayor is one Justice that cannot be confirmed. We must stop her before it's too late!

Also, another thing about that man who murdered the abortion doctor in Kansas. Anyone who uses violence to prooke change in the abortion laws is a hypocrite. When Martin Luther King heard that people wanted to use violence during the civil rights years, he told them no. Violence only begets violence. The pro-life movement never resorts to violence. This is just one of those frustrated people who can't stand the status quo! Just because a doctor aborts unborn babies doesn't give you or me the right to bring him down in a violent manner. Like the Civil Rights movment of the sixties, the right to life movement is dedicated to peaceful change, not violence.

How dare Youtube delete pro-life videos, especially those opposing Planned Parenthood and their eugenics agenda! Margaret Sanger recommended the abortion of minority children in order to control the population growth. Well, that is blasphemy! We've got a black President in the White House and here in Massachusetts, we've got a black governor in the State House. So why won't they speak up for the rights of the unborn? They just compromise their beliefs for the sake of political expediency.
Face it, Youtube! You are supposed to be a place where the free exchange of information and opinions can occur(within your legal Terms of Service). If you delete videos or comments because of racial or political mumbo jumbo, why won't you allow a pro-life group to expose Planned Parenthood's dirty dealings? This isn't censorship; it's silencing the truth! If I want pro-life videos, I'll go to Tangle. You can take your censorship and stick it! All the way up!

As a final note, I urge you to contact your Senator and tell them to reject Sonia Sotomayor, regardless of their stance on the dignity of life. And in closing, may I invite you to visit for more information on Pro-Life videos.

Remember, Pro-Choice Equals Pro-Death!

Please visit to learn more!

Friday, May 22, 2009


I'd like to issue a solemn commentary on Barack Obama and his shinanegans, as far as the right to life is concerned.
First of all, I'm glad that I didn't vote for that idiot! I voted solely on the basis that he is THE most radical pro-choice President ever! Even Bill Clinton-who I voted for-listened to the pro-lifers when they rose their voices against "partial birth abortion." It seems that the voters-including many Catholics-were brainwashed into voting for "the lesser of two evils..." Most of us have issues that we differ on, and some of have complete hostility towards them.
But there are five issues that I won't budge on: abortion, same-sex marriage, stem cell research, euthanasia, and cloning-notwithstanding the fact that I've got them out of order. I may be ambivalent to "civil unions," but the idea of "Equal marriage" goes against God's declaration of marriage between a man and a woman(alone).
As long as we are bound by the "two-party" system of Democrats and Republicans, we'll all be in the curse of the status quo. Because Obama is so pro-death, I believe he is the Joseph Mengele of our day. He wants to destroy the human dignity of life in our country. Just like Mengele did against the Jewish people in the 1930s, Barack Obama is trying to destroy the value of the unborn.
Look, although the Democrats have done more to help the working families of our land, since abortion was legalized in 1973, they have turned their back on the dignity of human life. That's why I don't vote for any Democrat who will not defend the right to life. If they're not pro-life, they won't get my vote!
When I try to stick up for my beliefs, people will always retort, "But don't you believe in the woman's right to choose?" And I'm forced to agree to disagree-but not anymore! This blog is my way of saying "I believe in the unborn child's right to live."
You know, when President Obama went out to Notre Dame this week to accept an honorary degree and speak to the graduates there, thousands of people protested his presence. And I stand with these people. Why should a Catholic college with such prestiege sell out its Catholic heritage to honor the Commander in Chief? Why should someone give up his conscience for the sake of political expediency?
Despite my protests, and those of 350,000+ others, as well as the condemnation of 80+ bishops, Fr. William Jenkins, the President of Notre Dame, went ahead with his scandalous agenda, anyway. No wonder many of the students wouldn't attend the graduation that day, prefering instead to be part of a Vigil for Life. I commend Fr. Frank Pavone and other pro-lifers for standing up to the scandal. And I signed a couple of petitions telling them not to go ahead with it.
But what did they care? They only care about pleasing the world system instead of taking a stand on what's important. I assure you that they will judged when all's said and one!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Obama, you are a lying, bloody S.O.B.  You want to push through your anti-life legislation the Freedom of Choice Act, which would allow abortion on demand and force those who won't take part in abortion or mercy kilings to participate in them against their own wishes.  What are you thinking?  With your acts to make me pay for offshore abortions with my tax money is bad enough.  And what are you trying to do with this gay agenda you're supporting?
I'm glad I didn't vote for you because you're trying to brainwash us into going with your dark kingdom of anti-life nightmare!  Well, I won't go along with it.  And millions will stand up against your evil.  You have no heart...nor does that idiot "Catholic" speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.  This country was built on the foundation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  And life is THE most important and most fundamental right of them all.  If you want to stay in office for another term, you had better change your heart and see what wrong you are doing.
You will be judged, President Obama.  Take heed of my words.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Well, Mr. Obama is trying to use my taxes to pay for his radical pro-death agenda! That's a stupid idea! The jerk wants to implement his FOCA legislation so he can get the unborn into the lions den. It's the stupidest proposal that he has ever come up with. I'm glad that I didn't vote for that guy.
I am a pro-life Democrat. Yes, the Democrats have helped the poor get health care and were advocates for special education for disabled students. But they turned their back on their constituents when they became a pro-choice party. That's why I won't vote for anyone who believes in the pro-death agenda.
It's time we stood up and told Mr. Obama that we won't have our tax dollars being used to pay for abortions. When they tell us about "rape, incest, or the mother's life in danger," that's bull! Only a tiny fractions of pregnancies occur due to rape and incest. And with medical technology improving, in most cases, both the mother and the child can be saved. And if the mother chooses to lose her life in order to save her child, there'll be caring family members to help raise the child.
Use my takes to pay for abortions, Mr. Obama? Not on your frigging life! Remember, pro-choice equals pro-death!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Earlier today, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th. President of the Untied States, the first black President in our nation. As I look at today's festivities, I wonder if he'll a proven leader or another more-of-the-same type. Especially on the 5 most non-negotiable issues-abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, cloning, and same-sex marriage.

This past November, 65 million Americans-including many Catholics(myself excluded, since I voted for a Constitution Party candidate) made the mistake of voting for him. One of the Cardinals out in Denver said that he was "the most aggressive pro-abortion Presidential Candidate ever." Everybody told me to vote Democratic, but how can a Catholic like myself ignore my conscience and vote for one who won't make the protection of traditional values a top priority?

After all, the right to life IS the most important issue of them all. Without that, you can't solve the healthcare crisis, improve education, create new jobs, or anything else on the agenda. It's like telling a candidate, "I don't agree with your stand on the war; let's talk about your health plan, instead."

Thursday, we commemorate the 36th. anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court Decision that leagalized abortion. Those who claim that abortion is safe don't know that it hurts a woman physically, emotionall, and spiritually. And it has also been proven to be a cause for breast cancer. You heard me right; abortion has been named by British scientists as a leading cause of breast cancer.

And here you are seeing this infomercial for "The 3 Day Walk" and "Avon Great Weekend for Breast Cancer..." Why would you want to sponsor someone? I know that we need to find treatments for breast cancer, but the Komen Foundation(which supports Planned Parenthood) is trying to cover it all up.

What are you afraid of, the truth?

Remember, if you've had an abortion and are suffering, or you know someone who is, there is hope for you. Visit today for more details. And watch the Rally for Life live from Washington, D.C. on EWTN cable network this Thursday. Events will be covered by on the internet.