Monday, December 8, 2008


On this December 8th., we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, when Mary was told that she was chosen to bear Jesus, God's Son. "Be it done to me as you say," she said to the Angel Gabriel. Yes, Mary said yes to new life. Too often, however, many women are saying no to God's gift. And that really breaks Mary's heart to see unborn children being aborted.

I'm sure Mary would be angry and said to see children's lives being terminated before they can begin. When Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, it was a slap in the face of God's plan for his planet. Mary would have told her, "You're some kind of sinner!" And Margaret Sanger would be ashamed of it.

You know, if Beethoven's mother had decided to abort him, we wouldn't have his Fifth Symphony, his opera "Fidelo" or his "Missa Solemnis." And we wouldn't have his choral 9th.! What if he couldn't hear himself conducting it? The imporant thing is...he's a magnificent rebel who brought the world the greatest music known today.

And of course his music has been turned into great pop hits. Remember "A Fifth of Beethoven" or "Song of Joy?"

When politicians switch their views from pro-life to pro-choice, it's their way of saying "No" to God's plan for their lives and careers. Sure they want political expediency and popularity, but it will cost them in the end. Mary, I believe, would feel saddened when any political leader compromised his or her beliefs for popularity.

And Mary would be saddened when she saw abused or abandoned children dying or being injured by their parents who didn't want them. Every child's life is precious and should be valued for what they are-human beings.

On this say when Mary said "Yes" to the Son of God, let us resolve to say "Yes" to the gift of human life and "No" to the culture of death!

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