Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So, President Obama's picked Sonia Sotomayor as possibly the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice. Woo-hoo no! If Ms. Sotomayor is picked, the right to life will go down the tubes! Barack's picked a radical pro-death canddiate. This is the kind of nominee we don't need.
President Obama is the most radical pro-choice President in history. His plan to Introduce FOCA, the Freedom of Choice Act, is the ultimate slap in the face for all that the pro-life movement has worked for...a ban on partial birth abortions, freedom of doctors not to participate in abortion activities....it would all go down the tube! Sonia Sotomayor is one Justice that cannot be confirmed. We must stop her before it's too late!

Also, another thing about that man who murdered the abortion doctor in Kansas. Anyone who uses violence to prooke change in the abortion laws is a hypocrite. When Martin Luther King heard that people wanted to use violence during the civil rights years, he told them no. Violence only begets violence. The pro-life movement never resorts to violence. This is just one of those frustrated people who can't stand the status quo! Just because a doctor aborts unborn babies doesn't give you or me the right to bring him down in a violent manner. Like the Civil Rights movment of the sixties, the right to life movement is dedicated to peaceful change, not violence.

How dare Youtube delete pro-life videos, especially those opposing Planned Parenthood and their eugenics agenda! Margaret Sanger recommended the abortion of minority children in order to control the population growth. Well, that is blasphemy! We've got a black President in the White House and here in Massachusetts, we've got a black governor in the State House. So why won't they speak up for the rights of the unborn? They just compromise their beliefs for the sake of political expediency.
Face it, Youtube! You are supposed to be a place where the free exchange of information and opinions can occur(within your legal Terms of Service). If you delete videos or comments because of racial or political mumbo jumbo, why won't you allow a pro-life group to expose Planned Parenthood's dirty dealings? This isn't censorship; it's silencing the truth! If I want pro-life videos, I'll go to Tangle. You can take your censorship and stick it! All the way up!

As a final note, I urge you to contact your Senator and tell them to reject Sonia Sotomayor, regardless of their stance on the dignity of life. And in closing, may I invite you to visit http://www.tangle.com for more information on Pro-Life videos.

Remember, Pro-Choice Equals Pro-Death!

Please visit http://www.priestsforlife.org to learn more!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I m pro life all the way.