Wednesday, September 24, 2008


"We say vote yes! Please stop the slaughter of abortion by voting yes for a Human Life Amendment!"
"No new amendment! Let the Supreme Court Decision Stand! A woman should have the right to choice!"
That was the message of a telephone poll calling for a vote on the human life amendment. I admit turning the channel when the lady asking us to vote yes told us to do so, while I listened to the no vote through and through. Well, I say we need a Human Life Amendment. As a Democrat, and a Catholic, I believe that all human life is sacred. (Bill Baird, Barack Obama and all you pro-death Democrats, take heed!)
"Before you were born, I knew you." The moment we were conceived in the womb, our life began. It continues at birth, and continues through all subsequent stages through natural death. No one has the right to destroy not-not while it's in the womb, not while it's walking the street, not while it's in the hospital.
"But don't you believe in the woman's right to choose?" No, I don't. And when you tell me about the cases of rape or incest, that is only a small precentage. And what about when the mother's life is in danger? The advances in medical technology today make it possible for both the mother and her child to be saved without terminating one's life. (Or the other!)
I was very squeamish when I voted for pro-choice Democrats, because my parents told me, "The Democrats are the only people helping working families!" Well, how can they help working families if they don't protect the most fundamental right of all-the right to lfie? After all, the right to life is THE most important issue of them all. Without that, you can't fight for education, new jobs, workers' rights, health care, etc. I can't agree to disagree anymore; I'm pro-life and I feel that the Democrats have abandoned this most fundamental right!
And I hate it when a candidate says, "I'm personally opposed to abortion, but I'm not enforcing my beliefs on others." Jesus told us to defend all life when he was on Earth. And he's still doing it today. In fact, he once said, "Whoever denies me on Earth will be denied by me in Heaven." I have a right to speak out on life. If anyone agrees with me, fine. If not, that's fine, too. Just don't make compromise my beliefs for the sake of political expediency.
I am asking all members of Congress to consider the passage of a Human Life Amendment, which will stop the slaughter of the unborn. Because abortion is a modern day holocaust. Even worse, in fact, than the Nazis slaughtering the Jews or the Turks slaughtering the Armenians(and living in denial even today).
And to the lady who says that "life begins at birth, not before..."
Well, life doesn't begin at birth. It starts the moment you're conceived in the womb. And you have no right to take that life away. Because when we destroy human life by terminating a pregnancy(or shooting someone on the street), we destroy a part of the future.
The only way that this country will turn around is if we stop abortion by passing a human life amendment. After all, there are millions of couples who can't have children of their own and would give anything to adapt a chid. You know, there are alternatives to abortion, and we've got to look for them.
"Preserve choice?" It's not a choice; it's a license to kill. I say, "Respect life and protect it!" Let's persuade all of our political leaders to consider the Human Life Amendment.
"When God Gives Life, It's Forever!"
Pope John Paul II
Thank you for your time, friends. And remember, pro-choice equals pro-death!

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